Marian Theatre Project
What audiences are saying...
"You took us to the Upper Room"
- parishioner, St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Exeter, RI "You helped me understand some of the mysteries I was struggling with." - parishioner, Holy Ghost, Tiverton, RI "You made me cry." - audience member, Holy Ghost, Tiverton, RI "You gave me a lot to meditate on." - parishioner, St. Mary's, Plymouth, MA "This is one of my favorite plays." - parishioner, Holy Ghost, Tiverton, RI "Your presentation touched my heart deeply. You also impacted others on many levels." - audience member, St. Cecilia's Church, Houston, TX |
Listen to Our Mother's Call
Listen to Walking with Our Mother
We use the talents we possess to the best of our ability and leave the results to God. We are at peace in the knowledge that He is pleased with our efforts and that His Providence will take care of the fruit of those efforts.
- Mother Angelica's Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday Spirituality